Kiefer Family

Kiefer Family

From Michelle Kiefer, a MMA mom from Columbia, Missouri ...

You have likely seen statistics about the future outcomes of military boarding school graduates – statistics that show the value of military boarding schools. While you’ve read about it online, done your research regarding options for YOUR son, spoken to perfect strangers about their experiences with military boarding schools, please know that all of that information has been valuable to making your decision to choose becoming part of the MMA family.

But beyond those statistics, I want to share one personal message that you may not fully understand until your cadet is about to graduate, like mine is, and embark on his independent life travels … and that being a message of hope and relief.

I started getting a sense of hope and relief when Thomas came home for spring break, back in 2015, after a few short months at MMA.  Starting halfway through his 8th grade year at a military boarding school, 700 miles from home, was the most difficult experience our entire family had ever been through.  But when he came home, I knew it was an adventure that we would not ever regret.  

Fast forward to 2019! Thomas’ graduation and post party have been planned, and he has been accepted into college to start this August.  Plus, he just reported this past week a super exciting, successful interview and hire for a job this coming summer!  

Thomas reported how many of the questions in the interview where focused on how he would handle upset customers or co-workers.  His teachers’ and mentors’ hearts would have swelled with pride, had they heard his recap. One question was, ‘What is the most important quality do you feel with a good job performance?’ Thomas’ answer was short and to the point: ‘Discipline.’

Reportedly, they discussed issues regarding being on time, being able to go outside of his regular duties to help where needed, and he answered all without fail.  Between the grooming he has experienced while living with his peers and learning about rank and leadership and being held accountable for actions not becoming to his company, he has learned many life lessons.  It hasn’t been easy, but then, it would not have been worth it had it been.  

I don’t want anyone to think that I’m bragging about ‘my Thomas.’ I only want to share about how his story would have been so different had we stuck to the same, conventional path back home in southern Louisiana.  Instead, our family chose a different route, and we attribute the changes in Thomas to MMA. 

I can’t thank everyone enough who works at MMA to help groom our boys into the men they are destined to become.  Between the teachers, residential faculty officers, administration, the kitchen staff, the nurses, the coaches, the barber, and all of the support staff, ALL have ONE goal in mind – to provide a safe, structured, learning environment for our children.

 – Michelle Kiefer, MMA mom


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