On Friday, October 27, 2023, the United States Marine Corps Band will conduct two free performances in Mexico, Missouri. The band will perform at 9 a.m. in Centennial Gymtorium on Missouri Military Academy’s campus (204 North Grand Street). They will then perform at 12:15 p.m. at Mexico High School (639 North Wade Street). Both performances are free and open to the public.
Those who plan to attend are encouraged to dress in patriotic colors of red, white and blue to show support for our military. Schools or organizations with large groups should contact MMA (Director of College and Career Placement Will Roundey, 573-581-1776, ext. 228 or william.roundey@missourimilitaryacademy.com) or MHS College & Career Advisor Rebecca Moppin, Ed.S, 573-581-4296, x. 3016, or rmoppin@mexico.k12.mo.us) to ensure seating.