Two MMA Teams Win Awards at FBLA State Competition

Two MMA Teams Win Awards at FBLA State Competition

Cadets in Missouri Military Academy’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) competed in the FBLA State Leadership Conference held in Springfield, Missouri, April 16-18. The opening session commenced with the MMA Color Guard’s presentation of the colors, an honor they have had annually since 2009. Two MMA teams, including a total of five MMA cadets, finished in the top 10 in the state. 

State competition results are as follows: 

Fifth Place, International Business: Cadets Weyland Evans, Charles George and Jancarlo Barajas 

Tenth Place, Marketing: Cadets Anthony Melick and Marco Afane 

To compete in the marketing and international business competitions, respectively, the cadets took an online test with approximately 100 questions on their subject. The individual scores were averaged by team, and the top 15 teams advanced to the state competition. At state, the teams entered into the performance component of the competition. Each team was given a business case and had 20 minutes to prepare and then present their findings to the judges. During the seven-minute presentation, cadets interact with judges who interrupt to present questions and evaluate the cadets. 

To advance to state, Missouri Military Academy's Future Business Leaders of America chapter competed at the District 6 competition held at Moberly Area Community College on Feb. 3, 2023. The following cadets qualified at districts to compete at state: Cadets Alexandre Snyder, Michael Pfiefer, Marco Afane, Zijie Zhou, Jet Rodewald, Malachi Imrie, Alexander Pro, Wayland Evans, Seydina Issa Diop, Albert Ogutu and Derek Paredes. Learn more about MMA's 2023 FBLA district award winners.

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is the world’s largest business career student organization. FBLA’s national awards program recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. The Missouri FBLA has approximately 9,000 members in 400 chapters, making it the second-largest chapter in the nation. 

MMA FBLA advisors are Peggy Reynard, Roger Siwak and Keith Morgan.

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