MMA Hall of Fame: Julio Favre Arnillas ’92

MMA Hall of Fame: Julio Favre Arnillas ’92

Julio Favre Arnillas spent three years at Missouri Military Academy, graduating in 1992. While at MMA, he was captain of the swimming team, played baseball, and was active in chorus, Glee Club, Color Guard, M-Club, Honor Guard, Military Police and Delta Phi. His extensive business experience in his native Peru has contributed positively to the development and growth of the country. For his accomplishments, he is inducted into the 2022 MMA Hall of Fame for Business, Entrepreneurship and Leadership. 

Julio earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration at the University of Lima and later studied at INCAE Business School in Costa Rica and Adolfo Ibáñez University in Chile to obtain his MBA. He continued his education with training in senior management programs at Harvard University and the Institute of Directors in London. Since 2004, when he rebuilt Naltech S.A., one of the companies in his family’s business group, Julio has been a leader in Peru’s food production industry, specializing in pork, poultry and other protein sources. He currently serves as chairman of the board at Redondos Alimentos, chairman of the Peruvian Poultry Association, chairman of the board at Solvet S.A.C. and chairman of Genética Animal S.A. 

In 2017, EY recognized Julio as the Business Leader of Change in Peru with its Entrepreneurial Leadership for Change Award, honoring entrepreneurs who stand out for their positive impact on the country, transforming the lives of their collaborators and the environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Julio led his company Redondos to donate $5 million in meat products for vulnerable populations in Peru. It is our honor to recognize his accomplishments with his induction into the MMA Hall of Fame. 

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Missouri Military Academy chaplain stands near pews in Memorial Chapel

Captain Clifford Latting, USA (Ret), was named Missouri Military Academy chaplain in December 2024. Latting is currently pursuing a Master of Applied Theology and plans to complete a Master of Divinity at Midwestern Seminary. He has participated in ministry mission trips to Chiang Mai, Thailand; Myanmar (Burma) and Chiapas, Mexico.

Read More about Captain Clifford Latting, USA (Ret), Named Missouri Military Academy Chaplain