On this #MLKDay, we remember and honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. On Sunday evening, 19 January 2025, MMA Chaplain Captain Clifford Latting, USA (Ret), shared an address with cadets on how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. embraced selflessness during Vespers, a weekly time of quiet reflection and spiritual development. On Monday, 20 January, cadets are attending an MLK Day observance presentation in the theater and participating in team-building activities. Feature photo above, Cadet Jonathan Liberman Saadia, a high school sophomore from Lomas del Olivo, Mexico, displays the Civil Rights Movement poster he created.
In the classroom, MMA teachers are incorporating MLK lessons and Black History Month in their teaching. For example, MMA science instructor Eric Evertson combined MLK facts with the Periodic table of elements.
Mr. Evertson helps Cadet Javier Carlsen, a high school freshman from Mexico, MO, with the MLK-inspired lesson.
From English and math instructor Melba Lackey: “Middle school cadets are completing a crossword puzzle using 20 famous quotes from Martin Luther King, Jr. We have watched a short video about his life and discussed his work. After the discussion and the puzzle are complete, each young man will copy one famous quote and write a reflection in their writing journals. Last week, one cadet made the comment, ‘I don't get it. Equality is just common sense.’ It warmed my heart to see that we have made tremendous strides in this country.
English 1 will complete a fill-in-the-blank story about the life of Mr. King. They will also have a discussion and write in their journals a paragraph about how King changed the world. This class is also working on the question, ‘What does it take to survive a crisis?’ We have read and will continue to read about survival. This class will write a short essay on how Mr. King was able to survive the crisis of being a black man in the 1950's and 1960's.
In my advisory group is writing a reflection on how King's philosophy has changed the world. Or has it?”
Above, Cadet Hudson Keen, a 7th grader from Leander, TX, learns about Dr. King in Ms. Lackey's English class.
Above, middle school cadets in Ms. Lackey's English class worked on a crossword puzzle using Martin Luther King Jr. quotes.
From art instructor Cheryl Morris (about her 2nd period advanced class and 4th period art fundamentals class): “In my art classes, I’m sharing a PowerPoint that covers some highlights of Martin Luther King’s career. Our art project will be a "Civil Rights Movement Poster." We are exploring the connection to the Civil Rights Movement and discussing a few artists that created art during this time period.
Ms. Morris discusses the Civil Rights Movement poster project with Cadet Henry Westerman, a high school junior from Eagan, MN.
Hopefully, this will give cadets a chance to explore the power of visual art in shaping social change. Posters and graphics played a key role in spreading awareness and communicating political messages during the Civil Rights Movement. The visual impact of these images was undeniable. They often included simple but powerful designs and text that appealed to a wide audience.”
See more photos on MMA's Flickr account.