Captain Clifford Latting, USA (Ret), was named Missouri Military Academy chaplain in December 2024.
Latting is currently pursuing a Master of Applied Theology and plans to complete a Master of Divinity at Midwestern Seminary. He has participated in ministry mission trips to Chiang Mai, Thailand; Myanmar (Burma) and Chiapas, Mexico.
A native of McRae, Arkansas, Latting graduated from Beebe High School in 1988 and enlisted in the U.S. Army. He attended basic training at Fort Bliss, Texas, and graduated in 1989 from Advanced Individual Training as a combat medic at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Latting served 12 years as an enlisted soldier, reaching the rank of sergeant first class.
In 2004, he graduated from the Officer Candidate Course at Fort Benning, Georgia, and the Officer Basic Course at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, earning a commission as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Chemical Corps. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in criminal justice, with honors, from Rutgers University in 2007.
Latting’s operational assignments included the 11th Aviation Brigade in Illesheim, Germany, with deployments to Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield; Walter Reed Army Hospital with duty to the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.; the 1/17 Cavalry, 82nd Airborne Division, at Fort Bragg, North Carolina; the 1/75th Ranger Battalion in Savannah, Georgia, with deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq; Tech Escort at Edgewood, Maryland; the 5th Special Forces Group at Fort Campbell, Kentucky; the Military Transition Team with deployment to Iraq; the 22nd Chemical Company at Edgewood, Maryland; and the Warrior Transition Battalion at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Latting graduated from numerous military schools, including the U.S. Army Ranger School, where he earned the Ranger Tab and graduated as the top enlisted member and honor graduate of Class 09-02. His other qualifications include the Expert Field Medical Badge, Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, Aircraft Crew Member Badge, and two foreign awards from the German Army: the Silver Schützenschnur (German Armed Forces Badge of Marksmanship) and the Gold Abzeichen für Leistungen im Truppendienst (German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge). He also completed Jumpmaster, Flight Medic and Special Forces Assessment and Selection courses.
During his 24 years of service, Latting was awarded numerous medals, including the Bronze Star Medal, Joint Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal (five awards), Army Achievement Medal (12 awards), Afghanistan Campaign Medal (two stars), Iraq Campaign Medal (two stars), National Defense Service Medal (two awards), Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Southwest Asia Service Medal (three stars), Kuwait Liberation Medal (two awards), Korean National Defense Service Medal, Good Conduct Medal (three awards), Defense Meritorious Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal and Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal.
Latting retired in 2015 as a captain and joined the Boerne, Texas, Police Department, serving five years as a police officer and crime scene investigator.
Latting is married to LTC Melinda Latting, USA (Ret), of Frisco, Texas, and they have three children: Michaela, Kevin and Lance, who currently attends MMA. They are members of Genesis Church in Mexico, Missouri.