MMA Cadets Honored for 2023-24 Fine Arts Achievements

MMA Cadets Honored for 2023-24 Fine Arts Achievements

Missouri Military Academy honored outstanding cadets in fine arts on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in Memorial Chapel on campus. Fine Arts Department Chair and Art Instructor Cheryl Morris, Band Director Brad Smith, Choir Director Ted Brauker, Music Department Chair Pipe Major Stuart Mackenzie and music instructor Stephen Maziarz presented awards to cadets for their achievements in the respective categories of visual arts, theater arts, band, private music lessons, choir and pipers. Feature photo above, Choir Director Ted Brauker, Cadet Lukas Joiner and MMA President Brigadier General Richard V. Geraci, USA (Ret). 

Watch the video of the assembly. See photos on Flickr.

President Geraci congratulated cadets on their achievements and encouraged them to continue their hard work and dedication. He emphasized the value that arts have on the 360° Education at the Academy. 

Stribling Dramateer Award

2024 Stribling Dramateer Award: Cadet Connor Moore, was selected for his constant great attitude, willingness to work, and never showing signs of idleness. The Stribling Dramateer Award is given in honor of Charles Stribling III, English faculty member, past president of MMA, and Board of Trustees chairperson. (Above, Cadet Moore with President Geraci)

The Philip Russell Outstanding Contribution to Chorus award

Philip Russell Outstanding Contribution to Chorus Award: Cadet Justyn Daigle. This award is given in honor of MMA alumnus Philip Russell ’68. (Above, Choir Director Brauker, Daigle and President Geraci)

State Music Awards

The following instrumental musicians received outstanding ratings at solo and ensemble: 

  • Cadet Miles Matthews
  • Cadet Sage Fuller
  • Cadet Jacob Stallone
  • Cadet Landon Meyer 

State Music Award presented to Cadet Sage Fuller

Above, Band Director Smith, Fuller and President Geraci

State Music Award presented to Cadet Jacob Stallone

Above, Choir Director Brauker, Stallone and President Geraci

The following vocal musicians received outstanding ratings:

  • Cadet Lukas Joiner
  • Cadet River Punab-Mitchel
  • Cadet Jacob Stallone
State Music Award presented to Andrew McConnell

Cadet Andrew McConnell received an exemplary rating, the highest given at the district solo and ensemble festival, and will be representing our school at the State Solo and Ensemble Festival. (Above, Choir Director Brauker, McConnell and President Geraci)

Crain-Jorishie Jazz Musician Award: Cadet Landon Meyer. This award is given in honor of two Jeffs from MMA past: band commander Jeffrey Crain ’76 and Jeffrey Jorishie ’76. This award is for the most outstanding member of the jazz band.

Streep Brothers Band awards are given in recognition of active participation in music performances, studies, loyalty, punctuality, and qualities for a good band member. The award is given in honor of Byron Streep ’29, Foster Streep ’30, and Dale E Streep ’41.  

  • Streep Brothers Band Award for 12th grade - Cadet Angelo Urdaneta
  • Streep Brothers Band Award for 11th grade - Cadet Miles Matthews 
  • Streep Brothers Band Award 10th grade - Cadet Jacob Stallone

John Philip Sousa Award: Cadet Landon Meyer. The John Philip Sousa Award for Outstanding Contribution to Band is a national award, awarded to the cadet who has given outstanding contributions to the band.

Col. Paul F. Cherches Memorial Award: Cadet Angelo Urdaneta. This award is given to the most valuable member of the band. It is dedicated to the gift of music and is open to all cadets in the music program. Col. Cherches was the MMA director of music from 1950 to 1989.

LT Commander Elmer R. Jackson Award: Cadet Jacob Stallone. This award is given to the cadet who has shown distinguished service to the music program. Elmer R. Jackson was the band director from 1931-1950 and relocated to the Admissions Department until 1978. 

The Most Distinguished Service Music Award

Most Distinguished Service Music Award: Cadet Miles Matthews, given to the cadet who has shown the most improvement and personal dedication to the Missouri Military Academy Music Department. (Above, Band Director Smith, Matthews and President Geraci)

The Jack Meyers Cup

Jack Meyers Cup: Cadet Zijie Zhou, awarded for the most creative cadet in fine arts whose talent is shown in many different areas, such as art/choir or band/drama. Given in honor of John F. (Jack) Meyers, an alumnus from the Class of 1939, who was also a music producer for ABC. (Above, MMA instructor Stephen Maziarz, Zhou and President Geraci)

The Vesper Certificate: Cadet Zhou began piano lessons in his freshman year at MMA.  He worked hard at improving sight reading skills and covered an impressive amount of repertoire in various musical styles.  He asked to have a trial session playing for Vespers each Sunday evening, and as his experience and confidence increased, he developed into an excellent choral accompanist.  This is only one of several roles that Zhou has served the Academy, and we are proud to reward him with this certificate.  

Certificate in Bagpipes:

Bagpipes Level 1 Award:

  • James Aldendifer
  • Michael Emminger
  • August Jackson
  • William Larson
  • Aiden Zoroufchy

Bagpipes Level 2 Award: 

  • Humberto Junquera
  • Jayden Lewis
  • Trey Rudolph
Bagpipes Level 2 Award

Above, Pipe Major Mackenzie, Lewis and President Geraci

Bagpipes Level 3 Award 

  • Mason Brooks
  • Adam Swenson
  • Nathaniel Espinoza 

The Pipe Major’s Bagpipe Award is given to the cadet at each level who has shown the most commitment, dedication, and loyalty to the MMA Bagpipe Program.

  • Beginner – August Jackson
  • Intermediate – Humberto Junquera
  • Advanced – Mason Brooks
The Pipe Major's Bagpipe Award

Above, Pipe Major Mackenzie, Jackson and President Geraci

Art Department Awards

Larry Anthony Art Helper Award: Cadet Pablo Belmonte. This award is given in memory of Larry Anthony, a true friend of MMA arts: “Helping a person will not necessarily change the world, but it will change the world for that one person.”

The Van Gogh Grit Award: This award goes to those individuals who have shown grit, determination, and tremendous effort without prompting to better themselves with their art.  

This award goes to three young men: 

  • Hao Wang 
  • Nicholas Kavalenka
  • Kennedy Barchigei

The Middle School Art Achievement Award is given to the middle school cadet who has achieved their best in art.  The Middle School Art Achievement Award was presented to Cadet Luis Sass-Zaragoza. Below, art instructor Morris, Sass-Zaragova and President Geraci.

The Middle School Art Achievement Award

The Creative Art Award is given to the cadet who has shown the most creativity in art class.  The Creative Art Award was presented to Cadet Deonte Kerns. Below, art instructor Morris, Kerns and President Geraci.

The Creative Art Award

The Senior Portfolio Award is awarded to an individual who has built over time a portfolio that would be respectable to show as a strong example of their talents. The Senior Portfolio award award was presented to Cadet Braden Atterberry. Below, art instructor Morris, Atterberry and President Geraci.

Senior Portfolio Award

The Alumni Association award for most outstanding in art is given in honor of Javier Campuzano from the class of ’82.  It is given to the cadet who has shown outstanding capabilities in all art mediums.  Campuzano designed the bronze hands sculpture, natatorium bronze plaque, and bronze Stribling sculpture.  The 2024 award was presented to Cadet Russell Olson. Below, art instructor Morris, Olson and President Geraci.

The Alumni Association Award

The High School Art Achievement award is given to the high school cadet who has achieved their best in art.  The 2024 award was presented to Cadet William Remshardt.  Below, art instructor Morris, Remshardt and President Geraci.

The High School Art Achievement Award


Cadet News