Cadre Leadership Registration Information

Cadre Leadership Registration Information

Cadre Leadership Registration (invitation only):

Wednesday, July 26

Please check in between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. (noon) CST

The school year is fast approaching, with only one week remaining to complete and submit your cadet’s registration forms for the 2023-24 academic year. Please review the checklist below and turn in any missing paperwork as soon as possible. 

NOTE: Previous information listed the check-in time for cadre leadership camp in the afternoon. We apologize for any confusion. If possible, please check in prior to 12 noon. If you are unable to do so, please email Kim Russell at to advise us of your approximate arrival time. Thank you!


Review 2023-24 Enrollment Supplement



1. Re-Enrollment Paperwork

If you haven't already, please complete your re-enrollment documents in Docusign. You previously received an email from MMA with a link to complete this paperwork.  All paperwork and initial payments are due no later than your cadet's registration date on Wednesday, July 26.

If you have any questions, please contact Director of Enrollment Management LTC Greg Seibert at 573-581-1776 ext. 323 or via email.

2. Complete Medical Requirements

Medication: Prior to registration, your cadet's prescribing doctor must complete the appropriate medication prescription form. 

Please note: MMA requires all cadet prescriptions and over-the-counter medications be sent in a pharmacy-packed blister/bubble card. MMA’s Ekern Cadet Health Center does not accept prescription pill medication in a "bottle" container. All prescription medication must be sent with the prescription. Powdered supplements and gummies are also not accepted.

Physical: All cadets are required to get a Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA) physical prior to their arrival at MMA. 

3. Arrival Travel Form

For safety and tracking purposes, MMA needs to know the travel plans for all cadets traveling to MMA this fall. Please click here to complete your cadet's arrival travel form. If you have more than one cadet at MMA, please submit a new form for each cadet. 

With questions about travel to MMA, please contact Deputy Commandant of Transportation and Security Jeff Howard via email or at 573.581.1776 ext. 436.

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