Flag Officers
Missouri Military Academy recognizes the distinguished service of our alumni who have achieved honor as flag officers in the U.S. military. A flag officer is a commissioned officer in a nation’s armed forces who is senior enough to be entitled to display a flag indicating his or her rank.
BG Maurice A. Marrs, Class of 1918, U.S. Army Air Corps
BG Francisco A. Sierra, Class of 1958, U.S. Navy
BG Carl Tegtmeier, Class of 1962, U.S. Army Reserve
Gen. Clifton B. Cates, Class of 1910, U.S. Marines
Gen. Robert D. Wright, Class of 1923
MG Judd Lyons, Class of 1980, Nebraska National Guard and U.S. Army
MG Robert N. Mackinnon, Class of 1940, U.S. Army
MG Jess L. Larson, Class of 1922, U.S. Air Force Reserves
Admiral Douglas P. Johnson, Class of 1915, U.S. Navy