On the anniversary of Sept. 11, Missouri Military Academy cadets, faculty and staff gathered to remember and honor those who lost their lives and the first responders who answered the call. Members of the Mexico Fire Department and Mexico Department of Public Safety attended the MMA ceremony.
Alumni Association Board of Directors
Join the Alumni Association Board
While every member of our Alumni Association Board of Directors brings a unique skill set and perspective to the table, each of us has a duty to:
- Embody the values that MMA instills in its cadets
- Sustain, support and promote the traditions and values of MMA
- Enable MMA to achieve its mission to deliver quality education with a military tradition
- Promote the brotherhood and camaraderie of our cadets and graduates
If you’re interested in serving on the MMA Association Board, please click here.
Board of Directors
Below, please find a list of the MMA Alumni Association Board of Directors and their contact information.
- Jason Falbo-Gwinn '88, President and Director of Class Agents, JFalbo [at] hyalogic.com
- Jarrod Magee '97, Vice President, Jmageepainting [at] gmail.com
- Kurt Bilsel '81, Secretary, kabilsel@gmail.com
- Clay Grant '88, Treasurer, sclaygrant [at] gmail.com
- Steve McDavid '97, Executive Advisor, mmaalumni97 [at] gmail.com
- Ricardo Uriegas '91, International Officer, rickuriegas [at] gmail.com
- Jose Bours '94, jfbours [at] gmail.com
- Heinz Leigh '99, heinzleigh [at] gmail.com
- Eric Martinson '96, eric_martinson [at] outlook.com
- Garrett Stockum '87, garrett [at] stockum.com
Committee Members (non-voting)
Below, please find a list of the MMA Alumni Association committee members (non-voting) and their contact information. Scroll down to find a list of the committees.
Jorge Yarta-Sada ’89, jorgeyartesada [at] gmail.com
Mike Misemer ’89, michaelmisemer [at] yahoo.com
John Davis ’92, jdavis151 [at] gmail.com
Meng Shixuan ’08, jonyoung82 [at] gmail.com
AJ Vassen ’07, Chicagoeconomist1 [at] gmail.com
Scott Szopinski ’04, sszopinski10 [at] gmail.com
Brenton Stuehmer ’97, brenton.stuehmer [at] gmail.com
Ian Wolfe ’91, seadragon72 [at] gmail.com
Sanders Roth ’04, sroth [at] starporttech.com
Below, please find a list of the MMA Alumni Association Auxiliary members (non-voting) and their contact information.
Jennifer Magee, jennifer.n.magee [at] gmail.com
Barb Falbo-Gwinn, barbarafalbo [at] comcast.net
Jentrie McDavid, jentriebo [at] yahoo.com
Kasey Szopinski, mamaszopinski [at] gmail.com
Brenda Doerhoff, Guccigoo2016 [at] gmail.com
Gina Stockum, gina [at] stockum.com
Jeanne Gentry, jeannegentry63 [at] gmail.com
Karen Martin, kkmartin57 [at] gmail.com
Theresa Wolfe, theresamcdaniel1 [at] gmail.com
Stephanie Carey, stephaniescarey71 [at] gmail.com
Karen Jones, kjones2030 [at] gmail.com
Mary Harrelson, Mharrelson676 [at] gmail.com
Brooke Stuehmer, brookrod [at] yahoo.com
Standing Committees
Events Committee (Maroon & Gold, Homecoming, Golf)
- Steve McDavid '97
- Action Officers: Stuehmer, Bilsel, Szopinski, Magee, Center
Tri Military Committee
- MMA: Jason Falbo-Gwinn ’88 (Chair), Heinz Leigh ’99 (Co-Chair), Gregg Center, Magee, Grant, Jenkins, Bilsel, Misemer, Wylie, Martinson, Szopinski, Uriegas, Yarte-Sada, Roth, Shixuan
- Kemper: Laura Gramlich ’94 & ’95 (Co-Chair), James Hallam ’88, Mike Stepto ’88 & ‘90
- Wentworth: Mark Mullenioux ’70 (Co-Chair), George Hittner, James Lowman ’95 & ‘97
Nominating Committee
- Leigh, Bilsel, Center, McDavid, Yarte-Sada, Davis, Martinson, Uriegas, Magee, Bours, Stockum, Szopinski
Development Committee
- McDavid, Szopinski, Magee, Center
Retired Faculty & Staff Liaison
- Karen Jones
Reveille Newsletter
- Martinson, Falbo-Gwinn, Uriegas, Magee, Center
Special Committees
- Alumni QM: Magee, Davis, Grant, Stockum, Szopinski, Bilsel, Center
- By-Laws: Grant, Stockum, Bilsel, McDavid, Martinson, Falbo-Gwinn, Magee, Center
- Auxiliary: Jennifer Magee, Barbara Falbo-Gwinn, Jentrie McDavid, Kasey Szopinski, Gina Stockum, Jeanne Gentry, Karen Martin, Theresa Wolfe, Jarrod Magee, Center
- International Committee: Uriegas, Casselle, Falbo-Gwinn, Bours, Magee, Center
- 40-2-18: Center, Falbo-Gwinn, Martinson, Magee, Szopinski