Thanks to a scholarship anonymously supported by an alumnus, cadets ages 15-18 interested in the STEM field will have the opportunity to attend the Jackling Introduction to Engineering camp at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) for free.
Award and Hall of Fame Nominations
General Eligibility Criteria for Alumni Awards & Hall of Fame
- Alumni must have completed one full year at Missouri Military Academy.
- All nominations for alumni awards must be approved by the Alumni Association Board of Directors majority vote.
- Nominations will include all supporting documentation. (i.e. Military DD214, professional journal articles, internal company recognition - photo copy of award, link to websites, etc.)
- Nominees will submit to a confidential criminal background check managed by the MMA Business Office prior to being awarded.
- The Alumni Association Board of Directors can request a criteria waiver from the President of MMA if special circumstances need to be considered for an award.
- The deadline for all nomination submissions is January 1 of each year.
- Read individual Hall of Fame criteria here.
- Read individual Alumni Award criteria here.
Nomination Form