Thanks to a scholarship anonymously supported by an alumnus, cadets ages 15-18 interested in the STEM field will have the opportunity to attend the Jackling Introduction to Engineering camp at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) for free.
Alumni Awards
The Eagle Talon Award for Philanthropy (Alumni Donor of the Year)
Awarded to an alum whose giving within the fiscal year qualifies them for a Donor Award of Colonels Club ($1,200) or higher and who has also given to the academy not only their treasure, but their time (dedication of personal time on or off campus to promote initiatives as set forth by MMA) and talent (devotion of special skills that significantly impacts MMA, cadets and alumni).
MMA Alumni Association Paul Gillette Alumnus of the Year Award
Awarded to a successful alum who is an inspiration and outstanding example for current cadets, who has shown success in life, spirit of community and support of his alma mater. Note: current Alumni Association Board Members are not eligible for this award. Retired Alumni Association Presidents are only eligible after their Ex-Officio year is completed.
Legacy Cadet Recognition
Awarded to current cadets who are sons, step-sons, brothers, grandsons, step-grandsons, cousins or nephews of an MMA alum.
Clifton B. Cates "I Will Hold" Award
Awarded to an alumnus or non-alumnus and given in recognition of exceptional leadership demonstrated through determination, steadfastness and perseverance through times of challenge.
Award was created in tribute to MMA's 125th anniversary/General Clifton B. Cates Class of 1910 the 19th Commandant of the USMC 1948-51.
Class of 1955 Alumni Homecoming Awards
A: Class with the highest percentage of registered Homecoming attendance.
P: Class with the highest philanthropic achievement during Homecoming
Order of St. George
MMA's second highest and most prestigious personal decoration made to those outside the MMA organization and the highest employee award made by MMA. Awarded to recognize those who distinguished themselves through superior acts of selfless service, courage, accomplishment, professional performance, meritorious service, philanthropy, honor or character.
Order of St. George, Knight Commander
MMA's most prestigious personal decoration. Awarded to recognize those who distinguish themselves through superior acts of selfless service, courage, accomplishment, professional performance, meritorious service, philanthropy, honor, character, and/or outstanding commitment and service to MMA. Note: this award will most often be awarded to non-employees, but there may be exceptions approved by the president and/or the board or its chairman.
Robert H. Weaver Memorial Award (Philanthropy)
Awarded to persons who best exemplifies unconditional effort on behalf of the Academy and Corps of Cadets, towards the goals established by the Parents-Alumni Committee, with unceasing drive and commitment to persevere throughout the year in bettering life at the Academy for the Corps of Cadets/attended 1970-75, class of 1975.
The Alumni Plaque (Most Likely to Succeed)
For the graduating senior who is voted most likely to succeed by his classmates.
The Harold "Chris" Schafer '89 Fellowship Cup (Alumni Association Board Member of the Year)
Award is given in appreciation to the alumnus who distinguishes himself to the institution as the year's Most Valuable Person in his role as an MMA Alumni Association Board Member. The recipient best typifies those ideals of character, leadership and service upon which the Academy was founded and who is a model example for all alumni to follow.
Established in 2019 and named after the first recipient Harold "Chris" Schafer of the 1989 Centennial Class for his outstanding dedication to all MMA Alumni, prominent through his unwavering devotion of time, talent and treasure.
Donor Recognition Awards
Annual giving to MMA exceeding $1,200 or more and/or lifetime giving exceeding $25,000. Includes all giving to MMA including the 1889 Scholarship Fund, Annual Fund, Restricted or Unrestricted gifts, Maroon and Gold support, etc.
Please note: The deadline for all nomination submissions is January 1 of each year. To nominate someone for the Alumni Association Paul Gillette Alumnus of the Year Award or the Clifton B. Cates "I Will Hold" Award, click here.